John Kormendy: Dali and Yunnan, China

The Galaxy Evolution Conference Was Held In The Landscape Hotel in Dali.

Front of the Landscape Hotel (John Huchra was present in spirit if not in body. You are not forgotten, John!)

The checkin foyer of the hotel was in the back of this ornate atrium. Chinese artistry was evident throughout Dali.

This is the other side of the entrance foyer, opposite to checkin. (Scroll right to see the complete panorama.)

More decorations in the Landscape Hotel

Second floor of our wing of the Landscape Hotel. Our room is just outside the picture on the right. (Scroll right to see the complete panorama.)

John's talk was rescheduled for the afternoon of the first day of the meeting. A cold, caught originally in Budapest a few weeks before, flared up badly in the cold of the conference hotel (especially its restaurant), so John had a fever and was barely able to give his talk. He got better, enough to take active part in the rest of the conference.

This dinner at the meeting had wonderful company but very bad background noise. Clockwise around the table from John's empty seat: unknown, Sandy Faber (U C Santa Cruz), Dave Koo (U C Santa Cruz), unknown, Luis Ho (Director of the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking U), Luca Ciotti (U Bologna), unknown, and Mary. All the named people have been good friends for many decades or (in the case of Luca) became good friends at this conference.

The young ladies who passed around the microphones during conference discussions usually wore traditional Bai cultural dress. Nice touch. Mary was not asleep...


Cultural traditions were prominent all over Dali -- one of the most scenic and vibrant cities that we have ever visited. Mary met these people by accident, and they graciously consented to have their picture taken.

Street scene in Dali. Street life was much more vibrant in the evening.

This park was across the street from our hotel.

Statues in Dali

Fast food, Chinese style. (Some cities also had restaurants like MacDonald's, but they serve better food than do MacDonald's in the USA.)

Buddhist Temple Complex in ChengGang, Yunnan

Buddhist temple complex in TengChong (Scroll right to see the full panorama.)

Buddhist temple

Buddha (Scroll right to see the full panorama.)

Two more panoramas of the temple complex (Scroll right to see them all.)

Hongenghe: Myanmar in the Background

Here again is a dinner at our hotel in Hongbenghe, with Myanmar across the river in the background.

Before and After

Wooly, after a month in China, and ... more nearly presentable, back in Munich

Our bird pictures from around the world follow standard ecozones approximately but not exactly:

Birds from the USA and Canada:   our house, Texas, California, Hawaii, Canada,

Neotropic birds from Central America and the Caribbean:   Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago

Neotropic birds from South America:   Ecuador 2004, Ecuador 2017, Brazil.

Western palearctic birds:   Europe: Germany, Finland, Norway, Europe: United Kingdom, Europe: Spain, the Canary Islands, Europe: Lesbos, Greece, Israel

Eastern palearctic birds:   China (near Beijing), China (Sichuan: May 2018)

Birds from Africa:   The Gambia, South Africa

Indo-Malayan birds from   India: North-west (Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand) India: North-east (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya)India: Central (Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh)

Birds from   Australia, New Zealand.

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