John Kormendy
- Curriculum vitae: HTML
First-author papers ordered by citations.
All papers ordered by citations.
- Press releases
- Historical interviews
- Research results:
- The search for supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei
- Movies: Talks on supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei:
- Popular-level
public talk on supermassive black holes (Univ. of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK; Sept. 27, 2016. This file is 5.8 Gb in size.
Recommend: Save it on your computer and watch the saved version.)
- Popular-level
public talk on supermassive black holes (Pacific Institute of Theoretical Physics (PITP), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, March 22, 2017). The PITP web site for
this talk is here.
- Semi-popular-level talk for McDonald Obervatory Board of Visitors (2020 Nov. 19)
on "Supermassive and Stellar-Mass Black Holes: Synergy in Science" (Caution: 90 Mb file)
- Coevolution (Or Not) Of Supermassive Black Holes And Host Galaxies (Bishop Lecture at Columbia University, April 24, 2015: 1.9 Gb)
- Coevolution (Or Not) Of Supermassive Black Holes And Host Galaxies (Colloquium at Harvard University, Oct. 15, 2015: 1.4 Gb)
- Coevolution (Or Not) Of Supermassive Black Holes And Host Galaxies (Colloquium at Institute d'Astrophysique, Paris, Sept. 16, 2016: 0.6 Gb)
- Popular-level articles on supermassive black holes and their relations to their host galaxies:
- Elliptical galaxies and bulges of disk galaxies
- Dark matter
- Secular evolution in galaxy structure
- Total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017
- Total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024
- Other subjects
- Teaching:
- Non-astronomical interests
You are visitor number
since October 16, 1997.
University of Texas Astronomy Home Page
Last site update: April 8, 2024 (Solar eclipse movie posted)
John Kormendy (kormendy@astro.as.utexas.edu)