John Kormendy Publication List
1. ``The Structure of Rapidly Rotating Relaxed Globular Clusters'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Anand, S. P. S. 1971, Ap. Space Sci,
12, 47.
2. ``Faint Surface Brightness Features Between NGC 7331 and Stephan's
Quintet'' ---
Arp, H., and Kormendy, J. 1972, Ap. J. (Letters), 178, L101.
3. ``Calibration of Direct Photographs Using Brightness Profiles of Field
Stars'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1973, A. J., 78, 255.
4. ``Faint Envelopes of Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Bahcall, J. N. 1974, A. J., 79, 671.
5. ``Tidal Effects as Criteria for Membership in Small Groups of Galaxies:
Application to VV 166'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Sargent, W. L. W. 1974, Ap. J., 193, 19
6. ``Some Characteristics of the Young Open Cluster Trumpler 37'' ---
Garrison, R. F., and Kormendy, J. 1976, Publ. A. S. P, 88,
7. ``Brightness Distributions in Compact and Normal Galaxies. I. Surface
Photometry of Red Compact Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1977, Ap. J., 214, 359.
8. ``Brightness Distributions in Compact and Normal
Galaxies. III. Decomposition of Observed Profiles into Spheroid and
Disk Components'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1977, Ap. J., 217, 406.
9. ``Brightness Distributions in Compact and Normal Galaxies. II. Structure
Parameters of the Spheroidal Component'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1977, Ap. J., 218, 333.
10. ``Photographic Measurements of the Diffuse Light in the Coma
Cluster'' ---
Thuan, T. X., and Kormendy, J. 1977, Publ. A. S. P, 89, 466.
11. ``The Minor-Axis Brightness Profile of the Spiral Galaxy NGC 4565 and
the Problem of Massive Halos'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Bruzual A., G. 1978, Ap. J. (Letters),
223, L63.
12. ``A Morphological Survey of Bar, Lens, and Ring Components in Galaxies:
Secular Evolution in Galaxy Structure'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1979, Ap. J., 227, 714.
13. ``Observational Constraints on Driving Mechanisms for Spiral Density
Waves'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Norman, C. A. 1979, Ap. J., 233, 539.
14. ``Spectrophotometry of VII Zw 421 and II Zw 67: S0 Galaxies Dominated
by Young Stars'' ---
Sparke, L. S., Kormendy, J., and Spinrad, H. 1980, Ap. J.,
235, 755.
15. ``Rotation of the Bulge Components of Disk Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Illingworth, G. 1982, Ap. J., 256, 460.
16. ``Rotation of the Bulge Components of Barred Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1982, Ap. J., 257, 75.
17. ``The L propto sigma^n Relation for the Bulge Components of Disk
Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Illingworth, G. 1983, Ap. J., 265, 632.
18. ``The Stellar Kinematics and Dynamics of Barred Galaxies. I.
NGC 936'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1983, Ap. J., 275, 529.
19. ``The Velocity Dispersion in the Disk of the S0 Galaxy NGC 1553'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1984, Ap. J., 286, 116.
20. ``The Velocity Dispersion in the Disk of the SB0 Galaxy NGC 936'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1984, Ap. J., 286, 132.
21. ``Recognizing Merger Remnants Among Normal Elliptical Galaxies:
NGC 5813'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1984, Ap. J., 287, 577.
22. ``The CFHT CCD Detector'' ---
Walker, G. A. H., Johnson, R., Christian, C. A., Waddell, P., and
Kormendy, J. 1984, Proc. SPIE, 501, 353.
23. ``Brightness Profiles of the Cores of Bulges and Elliptical
Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1985, Ap. J. (Letters), 292, L9.
24. ``Families of Ellipsoidal Stellar Systems and the Formation of Dwarf
Elliptical Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1985, Ap. J., 295, 73.
25. ``Dynamics of the Globular Cluster M 2 (NGC 7089)'' ---
Pryor, C., McClure, R. D., Fletcher, J. M., Hartwick, F. D. A., and
Kormendy, J. 1986, A. J., 91, 546.
26. ``The Core of the M 87 Globular Cluster System'' ---
Lauer, T. R., and Kormendy J. 1986, Ap. J. (Letters),
303, L1.
27. ``Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole in the Nucleus of
M 31'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1988, Ap. J., 325, 128.
28. ``Evidence for a Central Mass Concentration in NGC 4594 (The
Sombrero Galaxy)'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1988, Ap. J., 335, 40.
29. ``Noncircular Gas Velocities and the Radial Dependence of
Mass-to-Light Ratio in NGC 4594 (The Sombrero Galaxy)'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Westpfahl, D. J. 1989, Ap. J., 338, 752.
30. ``Did Elliptical Galaxies Form By Mergers Or By Dissipative
Collapse?'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1989, Ap. J. (Letters), 342, L63.
31. ``The Dark Matter Halos of Draco and Ursa Minor'' ---
Pryor, C., and Kormendy, J. 1990, A. J., 100, 127.
32. ``A Post-Core-Collapse Model for the Nucleus of M 33'' ---
Hernquist, L., Hut, P., and Kormendy, J. 1991, Nature, 354, 376.
33. ``The Nonthermal Nucleus of M 87'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1992, Ap. J. (Letters), 388, L9.
34. ``Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies: Formation of Elliptical Galaxies
by Merger-Induced Dissipative Collapse'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Sanders, D. B. 1992, Ap. J. (Letters),
390, L53.
35. ``Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 3115'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Richstone, D. O. 1992, Ap. J., 393, 559.
36. ``The Remarkable Twisted Disk of NGC 4753 and the Shapes of Galactic
Halos'' ---
Steiman-Cameron, T. Y., Kormendy, J., and Durisen, R. H. 1992,
A. J., 104, 1339.
37. ``The Nucleus of M 33'' ---
Kormendy, J., and McClure, R. D. 1993, A. J., 105, 1793.
38. ``A Family of Models for Spherical Stellar Systems'' ---
Tremaine, S., Richstone, D. O., Byun, Y.-I., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M.,
Grillmair, C., Kormendy, J., and Lauer, T. R. 1994, A. J.,
107, 634.
39. ``The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies With HST. I. An
Observational Survey'' ---
Lauer, T. R., Ajhar, E. A., Byun, Y.-I., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M.,
Grillmair, C., Kormendy, J., Richstone, D., and Tremaine, S. 1995,
A. J., 110, 2622.
40. ``Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopic Evidence for a
2 x 10**9 - M_Sun Black Hole in NGC 3115'' ---
Kormendy, J., Bender, R., Richstone, D., Ajhar, E. A., Dressler, A.,
Faber, S. M., Gebhardt, K., Grillmair, C., Lauer, T. R., and Tremaine,
S. 1996, Ap. J. (Letters), 459, L57.
41. ``The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies With HST. II. Empirical
Models and Structural Parameters'' ---
Byun, Y.-I., Grillmair, C. J., Faber, S. M., Ajhar, E. A., Dressler, A.,
Kormendy, J., Lauer, T. R., Richstone, D., and Tremaine, S. 1996,
A. J., 111, 1889.
``A Proposed Revision of the Hubble Sequence for Elliptical
Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Bender, R. 1996, Ap. J. (Letters), 464,
43. ``Improved Evidence for a 3 x 10^6 M_Sun Black Hole in M32:
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Spectroscopy With FWHM = 0.47 Arcsec
Resolution'' ---
Bender, R., Kormendy, J., and Dehnen, W. 1996, Ap. J. (Letters),
464, L123.
44. ``The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies With HST. III.
Non-Parametric Recovery of Stellar Luminosity Distributions'' ---
Gebhardt, K., Richstone, D., Ajhar, E. A., Lauer, T. R., Byun, Y.-I.,
Kormendy, J., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M., Grillmair, C., and Tremaine,
S. 1996, A. J., 112, 105.
45. ``Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Double Nucleus
of NGC 4486B'' ---
Lauer, T. R., Tremaine, S., Ajhar, E. A., Bender, R., Dressler, A.,
Faber, S. M., Gebhardt, K., Grillmair, C. J., Kormendy, J., and
Richstone, D. 1996, Ap. J. (Letters), 471, L79.
46. ``HST Spectroscopic Evidence for a
1 x 10^9 - M_Sun Black Hole in NGC 4594'' ---
Kormendy, J., Bender, R., Ajhar, E. A., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M.,
Gebhardt, K., Grillmair, C., Lauer, T. R., Richstone, D.,
and Tremaine, S. 1996, Ap. J. (Letters), 473, L91.
``A New Color Image of the Crab Nebula'' ---
Wainscoat, R. J., and Kormendy, J. 1997, Publ. A. S. P.,
109, 279.
48. ``Spectroscopic Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 4486B'' ---
Kormendy, J., Bender, R., Magorrian, J., Tremaine, S., Gebhardt, K.,
Richstone, D., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M., Grillmair, C., and Lauer,
T. R. 1997, Ap. J. (Letters), 482, L139.
49. ``The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies With HST. IV. Central
Parameter Relations'' ---
Faber, S. M., Tremaine, S., Ajhar, E. A., Byun, Y.-I., Dressler, A.,
Gebhardt, K., Grillmair, C., Kormendy, J., Lauer, T. R., and
Richstone, D. 1997, A. J., 114, 1771.
50. ``The Mass Distribution in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 3377: Evidence
for a 2 x 10**8-M_Sun Black Hole'' ---
Kormendy, J., Bender, R., Evans, A. S., and Richstone, D. 1998,
A. J., 115, 1823.
51. ``The Demography of Massive Dark Objects in Galaxy Centers'' ---
Magorrian, J., Tremaine, S., Richstone, D., Bender, R., Bower, G.,
Dressler, A., Faber, S. M., Gebhardt, K., Green, R., Grillmair, C.,
Kormendy, J., and Lauer, T. 1998, A. J., 115, 2285.
52. ``Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Spectral Energy
Distributions for Three Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies'' ---
Trentham, N., Kormendy, J., and Sanders, D. B. 1999, A. J.,
117, 2152.
53. ``The Double Nucleus and Central Black Hole of M 31'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Bender, R. 1999, Ap. J., 522, 772.
54. ``Axisymmetric, 3-Integral Models of Galaxies: A Massive Black Hole in
NGC 3379'' ---
Gebhardt, K., Richstone, D., Kormendy, J., Lauer, T. R., Ajhar, E. A.,
Bender, R., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M., Grillmair, C., Magorrian, J.,
and Tremaine, S. 2000, A. J., 119, 1157.
55. ``A Relationship Between Nuclear Black Hole Mass and Galaxy Velocity Dispersion''
--- Gebhardt, K., Bender, R., Bower, G., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M.,
Filippenko, A. V., Green, R., Grillmair, C., Ho, L. C., Kormendy, J.,
Lauer, T. R., Magorrian, J., Pinkney, J., Richstone, D., and Tremaine, S. 2000,
Ap. J. (Letters), 539, L13.ADS
56. ``Black Hole Mass Estimates From Reverberation Mapping And From Spatially
Resolved Kinematics'' ---
Gebhardt, K., Kormendy, J., Ho, L. C., Bender, R., Bower, G., Dressler, A.,
Faber, S. M., Filippenko, A. V., Green, R., Grillmair, C., Lauer, T. R., Magorrian, J.,
Pinkney, J., Richstone, D., and Tremaine, S. 2000, Ap. J. (Letters),
543, L5. ADS
57. ``M33: A Galaxy with No Supermassive Black Hole'' ---
Gebhardt, K., Lauer, T. R., Kormendy, J., Pinkney, J., Bower, G. A., Green, R.,
Gull, T., Hutchings, J. B., Joseph, C., Kaiser, M. E., Nelson, C. K., Richstone, D.,
and Weistrop, D. 2001, A. J., 122, 2469 ADS
58. ``The Slope of the Black Hole Mass Versus Velocity Dispersion
Correlation'' ---
Tremaine, S., Gebhardt, K., Bender, R., Bower, G., Dressler, A., Faber,
S. M., Filippenko, A. V., Green, R., Grillmair, C., Ho, L. C.,
Kormendy, J., Lauer, T. R., Magorrian, J., Pinkney, J., and Richstone,
D. 2002, Ap. J., 574, 740. ADS
59. ``Galaxies with a Central Minimum in Stellar Luminosity Density'' ---
Lauer, T. R., Gebhardt, K., Richstone, D., Tremaine, S., Bender, R.,
Bower, G., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M., Filippenko, A. V., Green, R.,
Grillmair, C. J., Ho, L. C., Kormendy, J., Magorrian, J., Pinkney, J.,
Laine, S., Postman, M., and van der Marel, R. P. 2002, A. J., 124,
1975. ADS
60. ``Axisymmetric Dynamical Models of the Central Regions of Galaxies'' ---
Gebhardt, K., Richstone, D., Tremaine, S., Lauer, T. R., Bender, R.,
Bower, G., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M., Filippenko, A. V., Green, R.,
Grillmair, C., Ho, L. C., Kormendy, J., Magorrian, J., and Pinkney,
J. 2003, Ap. J., 583, 92. ADS
61. ``Kinematics of 10 Early-Type Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope
and Ground-Based Spectroscopy'' ---
Pinkney, J., Gebhardt, K., Bender, R., Bower, G., Dressler, A.,
Faber, S. M., Filippenko, A. V., Green, R., Ho, L. C., Kormendy, J.,
Magorrian, J., Richstone, D., and Tremaine, S. 2003, Ap. J., 596, 903. ADS
62. ``A Stellar Dynamical Measurement of the Black Hole Mass in the Maser
Galaxy NGC 4258'' ---
Siopis, C., Gebhardt, K., Lauer, T. R., Kormendy, J., Pinkney, J.,
Richstone, D., Faber, S. M., Tremaine, S., Aller, M. C., Bender, R.,
Bower, G., Dressler, A., Filippenko, A. V., Green, R., Ho, L. C.,
and Magorrian, J. 2004, Ap. J., submitted.
63. ``The Nuclear Disk in the Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
NGC 4486A'' ---
Kormendy, J., Gebhardt, K., Fisher, D. B., Drory, N., Macchetto, F. D., and Sparks, W. B. 2005,
A. J., in press. Postscript
1. ``Light Distributions in Selected Red Compact Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1973, Publ. A. S. P., 85, 533.
2. ``Absence of Velocity Anisotropy in the Direction of the Virgo
Cluster'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1977, in Actes du colloque U.A.I. no 37, D\'eclages
Vers le Rouge et Expansion de l'Univers, et du colloque international
no 263, l'Evolution des Galaxies et ses Implications Cosmologiques,
ed. C. Balkowski and B. E. Westerlund (Paris: Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique), p. 155.
3. ``Rotation of the Bulge Components of Disk Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Illingworth, G. 1979, in Photometry, Kinematics
and Dynamics of Galaxies, ed. D. S. Evans (Austin: Dept. Astronomy,
Univ. of Texas at Austin), p. 195.
4. ``Correlation of Galaxy Rotation Curves and the Morphology of Spiral
Structure'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Norman, C. A. 1979, in Photometry, Kinematics
and Dynamics of Galaxies, ed. D. S. Evans (Austin: Dept. Astronomy,
Univ. of Texas at Austin), p. 445.
5. ``Averaging Photographic Characteristic Curves'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1980, in ESO Workshop on Two Dimensional Photometry,
ed. P. Crane and K. Kj\"ar (Geneva: European Southern Observatory), p 69.
6. ``Velocity Dispersions and the Stability of Galactic Disks'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1985, in IAU Symposium 106, The Milky Way Galaxy,
ed. H. van Woerden, R. J. Allen and W. B. Burton (Dordrecht: Reidel),
p. 541.
7. ``Dust in Early Type Galaxies Observed at the CFHT'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Stauffer, J. 1987, in IAU Symposium 127, Structure
and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies, ed. T. de Zeeuw (Dordrecht:
Reidel), p. 405.
8. ``Correlations Between r^{1/4} - Law Parameters for Bulges and
Elliptical Galaxies'' ---
Hamabe, M., and Kormendy, J. 1987, in IAU Symposium 127, Structure
and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies, ed. T. de Zeeuw (Dordrecht:
Reidel), p. 379.
9. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Nuclei'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1987, Bull. A. A. S., 19, 713.
10. ``The Core of the M 87 Globular Cluster System'' ---
Lauer, T. R., and Kormendy, J. 1988, in IAU Symposium 126, The
Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies,
ed. J. E. Grindlay and A. G. Davis Philip (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 607.
11. ``Evidence for a Nuclear Black Hole in M 31'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1988, in Supermassive Black Holes, ed. M. Kafatos
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 98.
12. ``Do Properties of Galaxy Cores Lead Naturally to the Formation
of Nuclear Black Holes?'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1988, in Supermassive Black Holes, ed. M. Kafatos
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 219.
13. ``An Ongoing Technical Revolution in Astronomy'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1988, in Guo Shoujing Summer School of Astrophysics;
Origin, Structure and Evolution of Galaxies, ed. Fang Li Zhi
(Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.), p. 326.
14. ``Evidence for a Central Dark Mass in NGC 4594 (The Sombrero
Galaxy)'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1989, in Dynamics of Dense Stellar Systems,
ed. D. Merritt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), p. 31.
15. ``Did Elliptical Galaxies Form By Mergers Or By Dissipative
Collapse?'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1990, in Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies,
ed. R. Wielen (New York: Springer-Verlag), p. 499.
16. ``The Remarkable Twisted Disk of NGC 4753 and the Shapes of Galactic
Halos'' ---
Steiman-Cameron, T. Y., Kormendy, J., and Durisen, R. H. 1990,
Bull. A. A. S., 22, 1241.
17. ``Spectroscopic Evidence for a Massive Black Hole in NGC 4486B'' ---
Kormendy, J., Bender, R., Magorrian, J., Tremaine, S., Dressler, A.,
Gebhardt, K., Richstone, D., Green, R., Lauer, T., and Grillmair, C. 1996,
Bull. A. A. S., 28, 1422.
18. ``A Massive Black Hole in NGC 3377: 3-Integral Models'' ---
Richstone, D., Gebhardt, K., Kormendy, J., Bender, R., Magorrian, J.,
Tremaine, S., Faber, S., and Lauer, T. 1996, Bull. A. A. S.,
28, 1422.
19. ``A Massive Black Hole in NGC 3379: 3-Integral Models'' ---
Gebhardt, K., Richstone, D., Kormendy, J., Bender, R., Faber, S.,
Lauer, T., Magorrian, J., and Tremaine, S. 1996, Bull. A. A. S.,
28, 1422.
20. ``The Central Structure of Early Type Galaxies'' ---
Lauer, T. R., Faber, S. M., Tremaine, S., Kormendy, J.,
Richstone, D. 1996, Bull. A. A. S., 28, 1423.
21. ``The Stellar Dynamics in the Center of the Galaxy NGC 1023'' ---
Bower, G. A., Green, R. F., Gebhardt, K., Bender, R., Kormendy, J.,
Lauer, T., Danks, A., Gull, T., Woodgate, B., Hutchings, J.,
Joseph, C., Kaiser, M. E., and Weistrop, D. 1997,
Bull. A. A. S., 29, 1293.
22. ``The Central Structure of Early-Type Galaxies'' ---
Lauer, T. R., Faber, S. M., Tremaine, S., Ajhar, E. A., Byun, Y.-I.,
Dressler, A., Gebhardt, K., Grillmair, C., Kormendy, J., and Richstone,
D. 1997, in The Second Stromlo Symposium: The Nature of Elliptical
Galaxies, ed. M. Arnaboldi, G. S. Da Costa, and P. Saha (San
Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), p. 113.
23. ``Scaling Laws for Dark Matter Halos in
Late-Type and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Freeman, K. C., 1998, Bull. A. A. S., 30,
24. ``The M_BH - L_bulge Correlation'' ---
Kormendy, J., Gebhardt, K, and Richstone, D. 2000, Bull. A. A. S.,
32, 702.
25. ``A Comparison of Estimates of the Black Hole Mass in the Maser Galaxy
NGC 4258'' ---
Siopis, C., Aller, M. C., Bender, R., Bower, G., Dressler, A.,
Faber, S. M., Filippenko, A. V., Gebhardt, K., Green, R., Grillmair, C.,
Ho, L. C., Kormendy, J., Lauer, T. R., Magorrian, J., Pinkney, J.,
Richstone, D., and Tremaine, S. 2002, Bull. A. A. S., 34, 1219.
26. ``Evidence From Surface Brightness Profiles For the Dissipative Merger
Formation of Low-Luminosity Elliptical Galaxies'' ---
Fisher, D. B., Kormendy, J., and Bender, R. 2003, Bull. A. A. S.,
35, 1399.
27. ``The Massive Black Hole in the Dwarf Galaxy NGC 4486B'' ---
Bender, A., Green, R. F., Gebhardt, K., Bower, G. A., Kormendy, J., Lauer, T.,
Richstone, D. O., STIS IDT Galaxy Nuclei Team, Nuker Team 2003,
Bull. A. A. S., 35, 1399.
28. ``The Scatter in the Black Hole Mass -- Velocity Dispersion Relation'' ---
Siopis, C., Aller, M. C., Bender, R., Bower, G. A., Dressler, A., Faber, S. M.,
Filippenko, A. V., Gebhardt, K., Green, R., Ho, L. C., Kormendy, J.,
Lauer, T. R., Magorrian, J., Pinkney, J., Richstone, D., Tremaine, S. 2004,
Bull. A. A. S., 36, 1536.
1. ``Extragalactic Observational Astronomy'' ---
Sargent, W. L. W., Kormendy, J., and Cavallo, G. 1974, in High
Energy Astrophysics and its Relation to Elementary Particle Physics,
ed. K. Brecher and G. Setti (Cambridge: The MIT Press), p. 453.
2. ``Galaxy Structure in Terms of Distinct Components in the Mass
Distribution'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1979, in Photometry, Kinematics and Dynamics of
Galaxies, ed. D. S. Evans (Austin: Dept. Astronomy, Univ. of Texas
at Austin), p. 341.
3. ``Photometric Studies of Galaxy Dynamics'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1980, in ESO Workshop on Two Dimensional Photometry,
ed. P. Crane and K. Kj\"ar (Geneva: European Southern Observatory),
p. 191.
4. ``The Structure of Barred Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1981, in Structure and Evolution of Normal Galaxies,
ed. S. M. Fall and D. Lynden-Bell (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press), p. 85.
5. ``Morphology, Stellar Kinematics and Dynamics of Barred Galaxies''
(Abstract) ---
Kormendy, J. 1983, in IAU Symposium 100, Internal Kinematics and
Dynamics of Galaxies, ed. E. Athanassoula (Dordrecht: Reidel), p. 193.
6. ``Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1987, in IAU Symposium 117, Dark Matter in the
Universe, ed. J. Kormendy and G. R. Knapp (Dordrecht: Reidel), p. 139.
7. ``Cores of Early-Type Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1987, in IAU Symposium 127, Structure and Dynamics
of Elliptical Galaxies, ed. T. de Zeeuw (Dordrecht: Reidel), p. 17.
8. ``Cores of Early-Type Galaxies: The Nature of Dwarf Spheroidal
Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1987, in Nearly Normal Galaxies: From the Planck Time
to the Present, ed. S. M. Faber (New York: Springer-Verlag), p. 163.
9. ``The Structure of Dark Matter in Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1988, in Guo Shoujing Summer School of Astrophysics;
Origin, Structure and Evolution of Galaxies, ed. Fang Li Zhi
(Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.), p. 252.
10. ``Surface Photometry and the Structure of Elliptical Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Djorgovski, S. 1989, Annu. Rev. Astr. Ap.,
27, 235.
11. ``Scaling Laws For Dark Matter in Late-Type Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1990, in The Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium:
The Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies, ed. R. G. Kron (San
Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), p. 33.
12. ``A Search For Black Holes in Galaxy Nuclei'' (Abstract) ---
Kormendy, J. 1991, Bull. A. A. S., 23, 937.
13. ``A Search For Black Holes in Galaxy Nuclei'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1992, in Testing the AGN Paradigm, ed. S. S. Holt,
S. G. Neff, and C. M. Urry (New York: American Institute of Physics), p. 23.
14. ``The Search For Black Holes in Galaxy Nuclei'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1992, in High Energy Neutrino Astrophysics,
ed. V. J. Stenger, J. G. Learned, S. Pakvasa, and X. Tata (Singapore:
World Scientific), p. 196.
15. ``A Critical Review of Stellar-Dynamical Evidence for Black Holes in
Galaxy Nuclei'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1993, in The Nearest Active Galaxies, ed. J. Beckman,
L. Colina, and H. Netzer, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Cientificas, p. 197.
16. ``Kinematics of Extragalactic Bulges: Evidence That Some Bulges Are
Really Disks'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1993, in IAU Symposium 153, Galactic Bulges,
ed. H. Habing and H. Dejonghe (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 209.
17. ``Stellar-Dynamical Evidence for Black Holes in Galaxy Nuclei'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1994, in The Nuclei of Normal Galaxies: Lessons From The
Galactic Center, ed. R. Genzel and A. I. Harris (Dordrecht: Kluwer),
p. 379.
18. ``HST Photometry of the Cores of Early-Type Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., Dressler, A., Byun, Y.-I., Faber, S. M., Grillmair, C.,
Lauer, T. R., Richstone, D., and Tremaine, S. 1994, in ESO/OHP Workshop on
Dwarf Galaxies, ed. G. Meylan and P. Prugniel (Garching: ESO), p. 147.
19. ``CFHT Photometry of Virgo Cluster Elliptical Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Bender, R. 1994, in ESO/OHP Workshop on
Dwarf Galaxies, ed. G. Meylan and P. Prugniel (Garching: ESO), p. 161.
20. ``Inward Bound: The Search For Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy
Nuclei'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Richstone, D. 1995, Annu. Rev. Astr. Ap.,
33, 581.
21. ``An HST Survey of Cores of Early-Type Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., Byun, Y.-I., Ajhar, E. A., Lauer, T. R., Dressler, A.,
Faber, S. M., Grillmair, C., Gebhardt, K., Richstone, D., and Tremaine,
S. 1996, in IAU Symposium 171, New Light on Galaxy Evolution,
ed. R. Bender and R. L. Davies (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 105.
22. ``The Centers of Galaxies'' ---
Richstone, D., Gebhardt, K., Dressler, A., Faber, S., Grillmair, C.,
Kormendy, J., Byun, Y.-I., Lauer, T., Ajhar, E., and Tremaine,
S. 1996, in IAU Symposium 174, Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters
-- Confrontation of Theory and Observations, ed. P. Hut and J. Makino
(Dordrecht: Kluwer), p. 53.
23. ``Supermassive Black Holes and the Evolution of Galaxies'' ---
Richstone, D., Ajhar, E. A., Bender, R., Bower, G., Dressler, A., Faber,
S. M., Filippenko, A. V., Gebhardt, K., Green, R., Ho, L. C., Kormendy, J.,
Lauer, T. R., Magorrian, J., and Tremaine, S. 1998, Nature,
395, A14.
24. ``The Central Structure of Elliptical Galaxies and
the Stellar-Dynamical Search for Supermassive Black Holes'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1999, in Galaxy Dynamics, ed. D. Merritt, J. A.
Sellwood, and M. Valluri (San Francisco: ASP), 124. [7.6 Mb]
25. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Active Galactic
Nuclei'' --- Ho, L. C., and Kormendy, J. 2001, in Encyclopedia of
Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. P. Murdin (Bristol: Institute of Physics
Publishing), p. 3229. [2.6 Mb]
26. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Inactive
Galaxies'' --- Kormendy, J., and Ho, L. C. 2001, in Encyclopedia of
Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. P. Murdin (Bristol: Institute of Physics
Publishing), p. 3235. [4.4 Mb]
27. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei''
--- Kormendy, J., 2000, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica
(Serie de Conferencias), 10, 69.
28. ``Monsters
at the Heart of Galaxy Formation''
--- Kormendy, J., 2000, Science, 289, 1484.
29. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Disk Galaxies''
--- Kormendy, J., 2000, in Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies,
ed. J. G. Funes and E. M. Corsini (San Francisco: ASP), 247.
30. ``AGN and the Demographics of Supermassive Black Holes'' ---
Green, R. F., Bower, G., Hutchings, J., Joseph, C., Kaiser, M. E.,
Kormendy, J., Nelson, C., Richstone, D., Weistrop, D., Woodgate, B.,
Dressler, A., Faber, S., Filippenko, A., Gebhardt, K., Grillmair, C.,
Ho, L., Lauer, T., Magorrian, J., Pinkney, J., Siopis, C., and
Tremaine, S. 2002, in IAU Colloquium 184, AGN Surveys, ed. R. F. Green,
E. Ye. Khachikian, and D. B. Sanders (San Francisco: ASP), p. 335.
31. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Nuclei of Galaxies''
--- Kormendy, J., and Gebhardt, K. 2001, in The 20th Texas
Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, ed. H. Martel and
J. C. Wheeler (AIP), 363.
32. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei''
--- Kormendy, J., Bender, R., and Bower, G.~2002, in The Dynamics, Structure
and History of Galaxies, ed. G. S. Da Costa and H. Jerjen
(San Francisco: ASP), 29.
33. ``Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Centers'' ---
Bender, R., and Kormendy, J. 2003, in ESO-CERN-ESA Symposium on
Astronomy, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics, ed. P. Shaver et al.
(Berlin: Springer-Verlag), p. 262.
34. ``The Stellar-Dynamical Search for Supermassive
Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei'' ---
Kormendy, J. 2004, in Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol.~1,
Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, ed. L. C. Ho (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press), in press.
35. ``Scaling Laws for Dark Matter Halos in Late-Type and Dwarf Spheroidal
Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Freeman, K. C. 2004, in IAU Symposium 220,
Dark Matter in Galaxies, ed. S. D. Ryder, D. J. Pisano, M. A. Walker,
and K. C. Freeman (San Francisco: ASP), p. 377. Postscript
36. ``Secular Evolution and the Formation of Pseudobulges in Disk Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Kennicutt, R. C. 2004, Annu. Rev. Astr. Ap.,
42, 603.
37. ``Secular Evolution and the Growth of Pseudobulges in Disk Galaxies'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Cornell, M. E. 2004, in Penetrating Bars Through Masks
of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note,
ed. D. Block, K. C. Freeman, I. Puerari, R. Groess, and L. Block
(Dordrecht: Kluwer), in press.
1. ``Observations of Galaxy Structure and Dynamics'' ---
Kormendy, J. 1982, in Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies,
Twelfth Advanced Course of the Swiss Society of Astronomy and
Astrophysics, ed. L. Martinet and M. Mayor (Sauverny: Geneva
Observatory), p. 113.
2. ``IAU Symposium 117, Dark Matter in the Universe'' ---
Kormendy, J., and Knapp, G. R. (ed.) 1987 (Dordrecht: Reidel).
3. ``Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 42'' ---
Burbidge, G., Blandford, R., Kormendy, J., and Sandage, A. (ed.) 2004
(Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews Inc.).
1. ``1998 HN151'' ---
Kormendy, J., Wainscoat, R., Tholen, D., Jewitt, D., Luu, J., Trujillo, C.;
Marsden, B. G. 1999, Minor Planet Electronic Circular, 1999-J23.
2. ``1998 HO151'' ---
Trujillo, C., Tholen, D., Jewitt, D., Luu, J., Wainscoat, R., Kormendy, J.;
Marsden, B. G. 1999, Minor Planet Electronic Circular, 1999-J25.
3. ``1998 HO151'' ---
Wainscoat, R., Kormendy, J., Jewitt, D., Luu, J., Trujillo, C., Tholen, D.;
Marsden, B. G. 1999, Minor Planet Electronic Circular, 1999-J45.
1. ``Monsters In Galactic Nuclei'' ---
Shields, G., and Kormendy, J. 2000, StarDate, 28,
Number 5 (September/October 2000), 4.
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